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Martini Invoking Services via a MongoDB Change Stream Trigger


The MongoDB Change Stream trigger allows Martini applications to react in real-time to changes in MongoDB databases. It supports a variety of operations, making it versatile for use cases such as data synchronization, auditing, and real-time analytics.


  • MongoDB 4.x, with change streams feature enabled.
  • A MongoDB connection configured in Martini.


General Configuration

Ensure you have configured the MongoDB connection in Martini correctly. Refer to the Martini documentation for initial setup instructions.

MongoDB Listener-Specific Configuration

Configure the MongoDB Change Stream trigger using the following properties:

Name Default Description
Connection Name (required) Name of the MongoDB database connection.
Database Name (required) Name of the MongoDB database to watch for changes.
Collection Name <none> Name of the database collection to watch for changes. If no value is specified or this field's value is <none>, all non-system collections are watched.
Full Document Lookup Default Determines the data to return for update operations.
Keep Alive true Whether the endpoint should be stopped or not when an invalidation event occurs (e.g., watched database or collection is dropped).
Pipelines The aggregation pipeline to apply to the listener's change stream. Each pipeline should follow the MongoDB extended JSON format.

Usage Example

To set up a MongoDB Change Stream trigger:

  1. Navigate to the Triggers configuration in Martini.
  2. Select New Trigger > MongoDB Change Stream.
  3. Fill in the necessary fields based on the configuration table above.
  4. Implement a Martini service that will handle the incoming data based on the MongoDB changes.

Service Parameters

When a MongoDB change stream event occurs, the following parameters are passed to the invoked Martini service:

Name Type Description
body Type of the change.
databaseName java.lang.String Name of the database where the change occurred.
collectionName java.lang.String Name of the collection where the change occurred.
namespace java.lang.String Database and collection name joined by a '.'.
namespaceDocument org.bson.BsonDocument Document type of the namespace.
operationType java.lang.String Type of change (insert, update, replace, delete, invalidate, drop, dropDatabase, rename, other).
fullDocument The complete changed document.
documentKey org.bson.BsonDocument ID of the changed document.
clusterTime java.lang.Long Time at which the change occurred.
updateDescription com.mongodb.client.model.changestream.UpdateDescription Contains updated/removed fields.

Best Practices

  • Apply filters using the Pipelines configuration to limit the events to those relevant to your application, reducing overhead.
  • Monitor the MongoDB and Martini performance to ensure the change streams do not negatively impact your system.


If the trigger does not seem to be working: - Verify the MongoDB connection and ensure it is correctly configured in Martini. - Check if the specified database and collection names are correct and exist in your MongoDB instance. - Ensure that your MongoDB user has the necessary permissions to read change streams.

Further Resources