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Martini Invoking Services via a FTP Trigger


The FTP Client Trigger in Martini enables services to react to changes in a remote FTP/FTPS/SFTP directory. This trigger is ideal for scenarios where there is a need to process files manipulated by other systems in a remote filesystem.


General Configuration

Refer to for general configuration properties.

FTP Client-Specific Configuration

Configure the trigger with properties specific to FTP operations, such as polling intervals, directory to monitor, and event types to respond to.

Property Default Description
Polling Interval (required) The interval in seconds for Martini to check for changes.
Directory (required) The remote directory to poll for changes.
Events Addition Types of events the trigger should monitor.

Connection Configuration

Set up connection details for the FTP server.

Property Default Description
Username (required) Username for FTP server login.
Password (required) Password for FTP server login.
Host (required) Remote host address.
Port (required) Server port.
Protocol (required) Protocol (FTP, FTPS, SFTP).
Connection Timeout (ms) 0 Maximum time for connection establishment.
Socket Timeout (ms) 0 Maximum time for data packet transfer.

File System Options Configuration

Configure additional file system options for the FTP connection.

Property Default Description
Passive false Data connection mode: active (unchecked) or passive (checked).
User Directory is Root true Treat user directory as root directory.
Default Date Format Main format for file timestamps.
Recent Date Format Secondary format for recent file timestamps.
Control Encoding ISO-8859-1 Character encoding for FTP control connection.
Server Language Code en Language code for month names in file timestamps.
Server Time Zone Id Time zone used by the FTP server.
File Type ASCII Character encoding of files from the FTP server.

Service Parameters

General Parameters

Refer to for general service parameters.

FTP Client-Specific Parameters

Parameters available to services triggered by this trigger.

Name Type Description
context org.quartz.JobExecutionContext Quartz scheduler context.
jobDataMap org.quartz.JobDataMap Quartz job data map.
job org.quartz.Job Quartz job instance.
file java.nio.file.Path File triggering the endpoint.
filename java.lang.String Absolute path of file.
inputStream Open InputStream to the file.
reader Open Reader to the file.
multipartFile org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile MultipartFile pointing to the file.
bytes byte[] File data in byte array.
content java.lang.String File data as a string.


Scripting Example

Consider a script (Groovy, JavaScript, etc.) that logs the details of the file that triggered:

println "Triggered file: ${filename}"
// Additional logic to process the file

Handling File Content

Example of processing the file content:

def processFileContent(String content) {
    // Logic to handle file content

Advanced File Handling

Using inputStream or direct file access for more advanced file handling:

def advancedFileProcessing( inputStream) {
    // Logic for processing using InputStream

Use inputStream or file for large files

For handling large files, prefer using inputStream or direct file access to avoid memory issues.

FTP Server Trigger

The FTP Server Trigger in Martini allows for the setup of an FTP server to host services in a Martini package as virtual directories. This facilitates interaction with Martini services through standard FTP operations.

Directory Structure

Services in a Martini package are exposed as virtual directories on the FTP server:

└── {package-name}
    └── {class-name}
        ├── {service1}
        ├── {service2}
        ├── ...
        └── {serviceN}


Credentials for authenticating to the FTP server can be configured through users and groups.

FTP Client Access

The directory structure of the FTP server can be navigated using FTP clients like FileZilla.

File Processing

Files uploaded to service virtual directories initiate the corresponding service. The output or error is written back to the same directory with -output or -error appended to the filename. For instance, employees.csv will result in employees.csv-output.

File Deletion

Uploaded files are automatically removed after the service is invoked.


General Configuration

Property Default Description
Name (required) Name of the trigger.
Document Type FTP Server Document type for Tracker logging when this trigger is fired.
Auto Start true Whether to automatically start the trigger upon package startup.
Log to Tracker false Whether executions should be logged to Tracker.

FTP Server-Specific Configuration

Property Default Description
Port 1 Valid port number (1-65535).
Users (none) Users allowed to log in.
Groups (none) Groups allowed to log in.

Service Parameters

General Parameters

Refer to the general parameters documentation for more details.

FTP Server-Specific Parameters

Name Type Description
file java.nio.file.Path File initiating the trigger.
filename java.lang.String Absolute path of file.
inputStream Open InputStream to the file. Automatically closed after execution.
reader Open Reader to the file. Automatically closed after execution.
multipartFile MultipartFile MultipartFile pointing to the file.
bytes byte[] File data in byte array. Available if method parameter matches the name.
content java.lang.String File data as a string. Available if method parameter matches the name.


Scripting Example

An example script that logs the available variables in the context:

['file', 'filename', ...].each {
    println "$it\t : " + this[it]

File Handling Example

An example demonstrating how to process file content:

def processFileContents(java.nio.file.Path file, java.lang.String content) {
    // Logic to process file content

Large File Handling

For large files, use inputStream or direct file access to manage memory efficiently.