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Martini Generating Services when Consuming AsyncAPI

Martini's graphical interface simplifies the service generation process from AsyncAPI specifications, facilitating the creation of services for asynchronous messaging patterns. This guide provides step-by-step instructions using the Martini GUI as seen in the provided image.

Steps to Generate Services from an AsyncAPI Specification

  1. Open the 'Consume API' Dialog

    • In the Martini interface, open the 'Consume an API' dialog which is the starting point for generating new services.
  2. Specify the Location

    • In the 'Location' field, enter the directory within your Martini package where the generated services will reside. For example: /demo-api-crm/code.
  3. Choose the AsyncAPI Option

    • From the list of available API types, select 'AsyncAPI'. This tells Martini that you're going to generate services based on an AsyncAPI specification.
  4. Provide the AsyncAPI Specification

    • In the 'File/URL' field, input the location of your AsyncAPI specification. This can be done by dropping a file directly into the interface, browsing to a file's location, or entering a URL where the AsyncAPI specification is hosted.
  5. Logging (Optional)

    • If you wish to log requests for tracking and debugging purposes, check the 'Log requests to Tracker' option.
  6. Generate the Services

    • After providing all necessary information and configurations, click the 'Consume' button to instruct Martini to generate services based on the AsyncAPI specification.

Post-Generation Steps

After the services have been generated, it is recommended to:

  • Review the Generated Services: Analyze the created services for accuracy and completeness based on the AsyncAPI specification.
  • Customize as Necessary: Modify the service logic, input, and output to align with your business requirements.
  • Test the Services: Ensure that the services interact correctly with the asynchronous API by conducting thorough tests within Martini.