Release notes for Bellini v1.22.0
Bellini v1.22.0 was released on July 16, 2024. This version covers the following issues:
- BLN-2297 - Use the new implementation of the API proxy
- BLN-2265 - Add support for table row and cell action button
- BLN-2321 - Add more Source Control menu items to the "source control" tree node
- BLN-2312 - Using oauth token claim to determine user access to Bellini
- BLN-2296 - Add an option to select build mode when exporting an android app as apk
- BLN-2247 - Find a way to allow non-HTTPS requests from prod bellini to APIs served over HTTP
- BLN-2089 - Add support to assign expressions to attribute values
- BLN-2334 - Editor canvas mobile preview is not scrolling when swiping scrollable element
- BLN-2333 - Source controlled apps will rollback the changes to the last commit after reloading Bellini
- BLN-2332 - Newly created script will have a CSS content
- BLN-2331 - Can copy and paste layout and declaration tree items to other trees
- BLN-2330 - Consumed API request with Formdata request body failing
- BLN-2329 - Cloning an app with components will not include the component declarations
- BLN-2324 - Sibling modal component is not showing when editing a function declaration of a component
- BLN-2322 - Clicking the input of the watch expression will exit the edit mode
- BLN-2320 - Find reference is not showing result when using it on app service properties
- BLN-2319 - Renaming a visible app service property will make it invisible
- BLN-2317 - Auto inject suggestion is not showing when editing a function of an app service
- BLN-2316 - Properties of auto injected APIs and services are not showing on the code editor intellisense
- BLN-2315 - Enumeration options style bug in exported declaration modal
- BLN-2310 - Sibling app component is not showing on content assist
- BLN-2309 - Missing table columns enum values
- BLN-2308 - Moving elements inside an inline element will throw a circular error
- BLN-2307 - Theme editor fields being automatically set
- BLN-2306 - Incorrect default value for icon color style properties of toggle component
- BLN-2301 - Nested properties of an app service are not showing in declarations
- BLN-2300 - Unable to update the source of swagger/openapi
- BLN-2298 - Custom theme variable is undefined in mobile app
- BLN-2294 - Export to File is not throwing an error when there's an error in the export-to-file endpoint
- BLN-2293 - APIs were getting blocked on iOS
- BLN-2291 - Unreadable function property dropdown text color
- BLN-2290 - Code editor's context menu got block by other elements when in split view
- BLN-2283 - Editing css file in split view requires 2 clicks to focus the editor
- BLN-2279 - Undo and redo changes is not reflecting on advance style editor
- BLN-2276 - Auto Save Delay field in settings will unfocus the input every keydown
- BLN-2275 - Unable to drop exported declaration to content-property
- BLN-2274 - Unable to select elements in component editor canvas
- BLN-2273 - Creating a page with the same name of the other app page will also open the other app
- BLN-2272 - App components is not loading the theme properties of the parent app
- BLN-2271 - Custom theme variable type dropdown has no focus indicator
- BLN-2270 - Clicking function body while adding a parameter will focus the parameters input again
- BLN-2269 - Tree view search input is being removed after clicking a tree view item
- BLN-2268 - Mock user accounts is not working on apps with source control
- BLN-2267 - Dragging selected property from the properties editor throws an error
- BLN-2266 - Enabling Source Control when creating Components does not work