Release notes for Bellini v1.21.0
Bellini v1.21.0 was released on May 31, 2024. This version covers the following issues:
- BLN-2223 - Add property to set visibility of the navigation brand
- BLN-2202 - Add a way to inject services to Declarations while editing a function
- BLN-2313 - Use Lonti colors for favicon
- BLN-2262 - Add function to set target server URL to generated API services
- BLN-2256 - Use the latest deployment URL in the app templates
- BLN-2222 - Add theme variables for modals
- BLN-2221 - Refresh the API tree children when the API itself is reloaded
- BLN-2198 - Add the theme name as a class to the body of the app so it can be used as selector
- BLN-2196 - Add a theme selector to app/component editors
- BLN-2195 - Add border style options to app theme for components that have borders
- BLN-2090 - Don't set the body height to 100% on deployed apps
- BLN-2264 - Progress bar message and total steps is showing the whole array when ng-repeat variable is used
- BLN-2263 - Chart Component datasets doesn't accept value key
- BLN-2258 - Cloning the same component repository twice does not show in the tree
- BLN-2257 - Unable to perform git operation when using different bellini accounts and git provider accounts
- BLN-2255 - App services still showing in the suggestions even after being injected
- BLN-2253 - Cannot open a component from the Layout tree
- BLN-2252 - Editing advanced styled value wrong text color
- BLN-2251 - Theme editor slow while editing colors
- BLN-2250 - When editing multiple theme variable the new variable name shows on multiple theme
- BLN-2246 - Enabling view as Unauthenticated user clears out Controller Inspector
- BLN-2245 - Cannot add a component when the selection is on a component that has been moved
- BLN-2244 - Cloning a repository with Bitbucket, displays repository outside of workspace scope.
- BLN-2242 - Renaming Script and Stylesheet file does not apply.
- BLN-2241 - Cannot delete consumed api from imported app from file
- BLN-2240 - Incorrect button icon in Columns property of table component
- BLN-2239 - Component editor is not loading the styles of the component's parent
- BLN-2238 - Mobile app builder is not resolving used cordova services from components
- BLN-2237 - $statusbar.overlaysWebView is not passing the value parameter
- BLN-2236 - Missing $networkInformation.connection type in intellisense
- BLN-2235 - Missing $screenOrientation.orientation type in intellisense
- BLN-2234 - Unable to select range by clicking the slider bar in iOS
- BLN-2233 - Assets used in img src is not showing on iOS
- BLN-2231 - Unable to open function from nested object in console and errorLogs
- BLN-2230 - Incorrect modal title when replacing a file in mobile config editor
- BLN-2229 - Find reference result theme is not updated
- BLN-2227 - Dropdown of navigation and dropdown menu component is not showing properly when the component is inside a side panel layout
- BLN-2226 - Device platform is throwing an error in the canvas
- BLN-2225 - Camera service is not working on iOS
- BLN-2224 - Geolocation service is not working on iOS
- BLN-2220 - Table column value key input field caret has wrong position
- BLN-2219 - Incorrect intelllisense for $audioMedia service
- BLN-2218 - Unable to set style of virtualized list component
- BLN-2217 - Unable to drag service methods in Declarations Tree View
- BLN-2216 - Service methods description is not showing on the tooltip
- BLN-2215 - Errors thrown on the devtools console when an app is opened
- BLN-2200 - Modals are not following the app theme
- BLN-2199 - The table core component column header is not fully using the theme background color
- BLN-2144 - App with capital letters on its name cannot enable source control using bitbucket
- BLN-2106 - App creation shortcut is triggerable through the keyboard even if app name is not present or is invalid.
- BLN-2096 - Navigation component incorrect logo position on vertical orientation
- BLN-2095 - Incorrect app template pagination number
- BLN-2091 - Dropping a declaration on "Bind To" is configuring the iterate properties