Release notes for Bellini v1.19.0
Bellini v1.19.0 was released on December 15, 2023. This version covers the following issues:
- BLN-1982 - Add a way to edit the URL of external scripts or stylesheets
- BLN-1963 - Display multiple deployed environments in the app deployment tooltip
- BLN-1911 - Add support to configure a left or right icon on the toggle component
- BLN-1905 - Expose the CD/CI API schema in Bellini server under /api/dev/schema.json
- BLN-1902 - Implement a service for the app themes.
- BLN-1692 - Virtualized list component
- BLN-1688 - Add support for deploying to different environments
- BLN-1539 - Add support to rollback a deployment
- BLN-1991 - Change search bars into search overlays triggered by a button
- BLN-1983 - Display the Copy option on the context menu for services
- BLN-1979 - Improve controller inspector so the user declarations are displayed before all the internal properties
- BLN-1978 - Add support to debounce text input, chiplist and dropdown change
- BLN-1962 - Update the table component to use the core components' default colors
- BLN-1961 - Update the side panel layout to use the core components' default colors
- BLN-1960 - Update the accordion layout to use the core components' default colors
- BLN-1959 - Add RRule Plugin on Calendar Component
- BLN-1958 - Add a popup to edit event details on Calendar Component
- BLN-1943 - Sort services alphabetically in Inject Built-in Service modal
- BLN-1942 - Add support for passing extra config to the API service functions
- BLN-1940 - Improve UX on the confirmation modal when deleting an app or component
- BLN-1855 - Change the code editor font to Consolas
- BLN-2003 - Cannot paste in declarations if there's no empty space to right click on
- BLN-1986 - Chip List proposals doesn't update when its value changes
- BLN-1985 - Cannot open app modal component modal from other app component
- BLN-1980 - Chip List component On Validate function is called 4 times on render and logs don't display in the Bellini console
- BLN-1977 - Renaming modal component makes it not working once deployed or exported to file
- BLN-1976 - List component doesn't update when Values changes
- BLN-1975 - Wrong generated expression when DnD an async function on a property
- BLN-1974 - Cannot DnD API into app component
- BLN-1972 - Cannot delete APIs that are not loading
- BLN-1971 - Table column with cell tooltip doesn't render correctly in editor
- BLN-1970 - Table component height is not respected after it reloaded
- BLN-1967 - Component editor doesn't load the default value of an exported property on initial load
- BLN-1949 - Table component inside a grid doesn't resize down
- BLN-1948 - Cannot drop component before or after first child element of a grid
- BLN-1947 - Cannot view full message error log
- BLN-1946 - Two error logs are generated for one error
- BLN-1945 - Element content as HTML is not properly escaped which causes errors
- BLN-1944 - Cannot DnD component into a side panel in canvas
- BLN-1941 - Invalid code validation of table column value key
- BLN-1938 - Setting Inject To field breaks the Consume API modal layout
- BLN-1936 - Side panel preview in the theme editor not working
- BLN-1927 - Properties that are declared as arrays don't produce the expected number of iterated elements when using them on Iterate property in Component models
- BLN-1926 - Logs in the Console Tab don't appear sometimes when repeatedly reloading the canvas
- BLN-1904 - Reveal in Apps sometimes not working
- BLN-1896 - Multiple deletions for the app sometimes don't work
- BLN-1791 - Unable to set the exported property value of modal component