Release notes for Bellini v1.11.0
Bellini v1.11.0 was released on November 2, 2022. This version covers the following issues:
- BLN-1102 - Add support for assets
- BLN-1197 - Create Bellini Welcome Page
- BLN-1243 - Add support for DnD an asset into the canvas to create the corresponding element
- BLN-1244 - Implement Text Search Editor
- BLN-1245 - Implement Find Reference on Declarations
- BLN-1246 - Implement Find Reference on Components
- BLN-1247 - Implement Find Reference on APIs
- BLN-1248 - Implement Find Reference on Assets
- BLN-1289 - Add support for DnD of files in assets folder to upload assets
- BLN-1192 - Improve behavior of DnD of declarations on a core component
- BLN-1193 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Text Input component
- BLN-1194 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Checkbox component
- BLN-1195 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Radio button component
- BLN-1196 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Dropdown component
- BLN-1203 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Button component
- BLN-1204 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Slider component
- BLN-1205 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Chip List component
- BLN-1206 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Date Time Picker component
- BLN-1207 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on List component
- BLN-1208 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Tab Bar component
- BLN-1209 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Toggle component
- BLN-1210 - Improve default function or property assigned when DnD on Table component
- BLN-1251 - Update styles of notification to follow theme
- BLN-1260 - Improve OpenAPI 3 support
- BLN-1262 - Implement a proxy for secured APIs within the Bellini server
- BLN-1263 - Add back the context menu for editor tabs
- BLN-1267 - Allow users to stop the onboarding tour
- BLN-1268 - Make the close button of modals stand out more
- BLN-1271 - Support using the same icon names as core components in context menu and notification
- BLN-1294 - Make API Basic Auth's password optional
- BLN-1295 - Ask the user before to cancel editing a value or function
- BLN-1296 - Add support for adding operations to Adhoc REST/HTTP APIs
- BLN-1297 - Add support for dynamic header value in Adhoc REST/HTTP API
- BLN-1302 - Use app name instead of ID in the environment tab tooltip
- BLN-1311 - Improve DND of assets
- BLN-1313 - Deploy consumed secured API to API Gateway
- BLN-1315 - Enforce rules on assets usage
- BLN-1316 - Add key shortcut for declare property, object, array and function
- BLN-1190 - Cannot reset the value of Link property
- BLN-1198 - On firefox, unable to paste tree view items and an error is thrown in the console.
- BLN-1201 - Blank component appears when creating a sub-component
- BLN-1202 - On Firefox, dragging the function to the element on the canvass does not consistently trigger
Select event or property
modal. - BLN-1211 - Refactoring doesn't include layout component properties
- BLN-1212 - Content assist not correctly inserting HTML elements after pasting components
- BLN-1213 - DnD an array on the Iterate property doesn't generate the Array Name and Variable Name
- BLN-1214 - DnD on a component selects the wrong component
- BLN-1215 - When renaming, clicking the text input to reposition the cursor cancels it
- BLN-1217 - There is not content assist available for notification manager options
- BLN-1223 - Inject To field and Environment tabs not showing up
- BLN-1230 - Cannot receive param with one-way binding in modal component
- BLN-1252 - Notification text overflows instead of wrapping
- BLN-1254 - Assigning a declaration with default value to the Dropdown Value break the app
- BLN-1255 - Adding a mock user account in the app config does not work.
- BLN-1256 - Renaming an app doesn't persist unless the app is saved
- BLN-1257 - Injected API declarations can be edited and renamed
- BLN-1258 - Renaming a function doesn't refactor the event properties
- BLN-1259 - Changing the page name requires pressing Command + Z twice to undo
- BLN-1261 - Error when deploying app with secured API
- BLN-1264 - Global security property of API doesn't apply to all operations
- BLN-1265 - DnD into the canvas is not consistent in Firefox
- BLN-1272 - Invalid API operation's method name is generated
- BLN-1273 - Cannot undo the injected API
- BLN-1276 - Loading error for app & component editor not showing
- BLN-1288 - Using OAuth 2.0 doesn't append token to the API request
- BLN-1299 - API error when importing an app twice
- BLN-1300 - Broken modal content
- BLN-1301 - Cursor constantly repositioned in app config's Description field
- BLN-1303 - Delete menu item not consistently showing when right-clicking an app
- BLN-1304 - Unable to rename app-component on right-click
- BLN-1305 - API doesn't exists error when importing an app
- BLN-1308 - causing an error when trying to drag and drop functions inside object or array
- BLN-1309 - ctrl/cmd+z command not working when reload on changes is unchecked
- BLN-1310 - Component error when importing an app twice
- BLN-1347 - Update API modal updates auth configuration incorrectly